new years

Thursday, December 17, 2009

More DUKE fans.....

as I am NOT but these guys are completely.  So I swallowed my UNC pride to make peace. LOL

Angela & Johnny

Johnny & Jennifer

My Christmas Mini Sessions...

Kendall & Reagan are gettin so big, I remember when Reagan was born.

Natalie is such a ham, I could just eat her up!!!!

Paige isn't afraid of the Big Man.

Paige and Payon were so good and cute, of course!  Paige looks just like her mommy and Payton look just like her daddy!!!!!

The Carden crew.. Kacie, Jaden, Caitlin, Katie & Jack were all great!!!! I just couldn't get a smile out of Katie to save my neck.

Mommy & Jack

Caitlin & Katie

Thank you all for coming out in the awful cold weather for these!
Merry Christmas!!!!

We almost froze but we survived...

The Mebane Christmas parade a few weeks ago!  We meet up with some good friends, the Talley's.  We had a great time.

Carson and Ava loved their silly hats!

JD is just so cute!!!

Carson and her Daddy.

Oh My Gosh I love this family....

the Woods.  Jared was such a trooper even though he'd been
at the hospital all night with a high fever, but thankfully
was feeling much better by session time.
Thank You Woods family for a great time as always!

One of my bestest peeps....

and her precious little B!  This was an amazing weekend after this session, K and I attended Women of Faith conference in Greensboro and what a blessing it was to both of us!!!